January 09, 2005

Naked Juice & Bolthouse Farms

A while ago, I was raving about this health juice that I like called the Green Machine by Naked Juice. Recently, I found something similar. It's called Green Goodness by Bolthouse Farms. I compared the two and they both have basically the same ingredients and they taste pretty much the same. I would have to travel all the way to Manhattan for Naked Juice, but now I can just walk to the corner and get Bolthouse Farms; plus it's cheaper when you get the one-liter bottle. I cleaned out the store and left them with two bottles. Also, turns out that Naked Juice now makes Red Machine and Blue Machine. I wonder if they are any good. If you come across these drinks, I suggest you try it. You might like it and it's good for you. At least that's what I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too recently found bolthouse farms. I have been a die hard Naked Juice fan for almost a year, I just love the taste plus nutritional value of an blended smoothie. I would love to see a comparison of the two to understand which may have higher nutritional value (they share the same ingredients but one says blended fruit whi

12:47 PM  

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