December 21, 2004

Doctors, Scams, HEAL yourself.

I had taken my mom back to the hospital again yesterday for her checkup. Her blood pressure is a bit high, so they increased her medication. This was the general doctor that she sees. And her records show up on the screen. What I don't understand is that this doctor knows about the surgery she needs. And she says it's open heart surgery. But the other doctor, heart doctor, that was taking care of this said it was not. So, I don't understand these doctors. Besides that, I don't understand why they did not notice this ASD in her heart when she had her heart surgery a few years ago. If they did, maybe they could have taken care of it altogether.

Nowadays, you can't trust private doctors. The ones that open up their own private office. I've noticed some like to screw patients over by not giving referrals when they really need it. Also noticed they don't really care about their patients and they are not thorough. Besides that, my dad has Medicaid. He went to this doctor 3 times. And this doctor put down that he went to see him like 8 times. It was all shown on this report that the Medicaid office sent to my dad. This is such crap. These docs are out there for the money.

In the end, you should not believe everything the doctor tells you. Go home and do your own research, search the internet, and ask around. Nobody knows your body better than yourself. Because you live through the day and know how your body feels every day. The doctor does not. When you see the doctor, you can tell them how you feel, and all they do is get an idea of what you might have. Then the next thing you know, you go home and you forgot to tell your doctor the other symptoms you also had. And that might have made a big difference.

Also, most doctors don't care for their patients as much as they used to anymore. It's not like Little House on the Prairie days. They tend to make you come extra early and make you wait extra long. And when they see you, they don't really take their time with you. They like to rush things. I tend to give them all the information I can give them so that I can be diagnosed the best way possible. But most of them seem to rush things and think you're imagining things. So, they just end the visit by writing you a prescription, telling you to take it and come back next week. "We'll deal with you again next week if this doesn't work. If the medication kills you, then oh well. If the medication slowly deteriorates your leg and falls off, then we'll deal with it then. I can probably spend more time and give you something better, but you know what? Just take this for now and see what happens. You can come back next week so I can make more money off of you."

True story. I have this ongoing problem with the flu every year with a strep throat. I don't even know what it is. I'm better now then years ago. But I always have swollen tonsils. When I get sick, they well up. It has happened to me so much that my body is used to it. That it can be swollen, but I won't have the soar throat. Anyway, a few years ago, I went to the doctor. I was prescribed with some medication. I forgot what it was. It was something. It worked for a week and it came back. Went back to the doc. Got another medication, this time, I remember it was atenenol. I think. Didn't work. Went back again, and got something else. I forgot what it was now. It might have been allegra. Oh wait, I think it was something called zpak or zithromax. Not sure. Actually, took zithromax twice. Now, I've tried like few medications within 2- 3 months. And that's not good and even the doc said so. I decided to go online and do my own research since I know how my body works. I found this medication. It was cephalosporins. I would have to take it longer than all the other ones but from what I read, I think it would have helped me. I knew that was what I needed. So, I went to the doc and said I want that, prescribe me that. I got it. And guess what? I've been good ever since, until this month. But that is a good 2 years that I've been good. Back then, I would have it every 3 months. So, there you have it. I suggest you all to do your own research and don't listen to what the doctor says. They are not always right. And don't see the doctor before the Christmas Holidays or have surgery after. They either rush to get the hell out of there or they come back with a hangover while performing your surgery. You don't think so? They are normal people like us. I'm sure some of you are teachers and go out drinking on a weekday. (Happy Hour Thursdays?) And then go to work the next day in front of children. Case closed.


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