Digital Camera - SD300, Amanda Lynn Swafford
I'm totally bummed that I didn't search the net harder a week ago because I just found out that I could have gotten the Canon Powershot SD300 for $304 bucks from DELL which is a great deal. On top of that, a few days ago, I missed another great deal of $324. I'm so bummed about it. Amazon is selling it for $362. And the camera goes for about $350 - $400 bucks. I'm so mad that I just found out about the deals now because of my insomnia and my flu. I guess I'm still up because I can't sleep and I'm sick. Below are 3 great sites on digital camera reviews:
I recently picked up the Return of the King Special Extended Edition. Though I did NOT want to pick it up since I'm broke and poor and currently unemployed. Until a friend of mine, persuaded me to. That BASTARD!!! I don't want to mention names. he tells me about this awesome battle scene that was cut out and is in this extended edition. And that Peter Jackson mentions about it in some interview. Blah blah blah. Guess what? It's not in it!!! Anyway, I was thinking I had the other 2 sets, I needed this one to complete my set I guess. Found a great deal at deepdiscountdvd for $24.14 - no tax - free shipping.
Anyone know who Amanda Lynn Swafford is? One of the final three in America's Top Model. I have to say, I don't want that show, but I watch that show. I guess I happen to catch it when it's on and when it's on, I watch it. And I think that girl Amanda has stunning eyes. Icey blue. Somewhat weird and spooky. But I like weird. And I think she's perrrrrrrdy and has a cool personality. And the fact that her eyes look different, it's due to some disability she has - being legally blind. And she estimates that she will be completely blind at the age of 30. Her condition is called retinitis pigmentosa. Anyway, she didn't win and I was hoping her to. But I'm sure someone will offer her a contract. She's cool and puuuuuuuuurdy. I hope the very best for her and her son - JAH WOLF!!! Yup! She has a 3 year old son. I still love her eyes. My friend disagreed. He said she looks like a weird alien and is scary looking. And then he tells me to imagine that she is performing oral sex while staring straight up at me with her eyes. ROFL. I thought that was so funny! It doesn't matter. ILHM!!!
Has anyone ever tried NAKED JUICE? It's awesome. If you ever find it, try the GREEN MACHINE. That's my favorite. So is POM juice.
My mom recently took a TEE at the hospital. I'm waiting for the results and a phone call from the doctor. They need to schedule her for heart surgery. Not open heart but a process called catheterization. I hope everything goes well and that she's ok. And that she can walk and breathe much better than before. I don't want to talk about it. I guess it's like a Chinese superstition to not discuss bad things.
I haven't seen my friend J.C for a while. I hope everything is ok with him and his mom too. I wish him the very best.
This is my first real post. I find it a waste of time to actually to type all this crap. But then again, if I'm able to look back at it one day in the future, it's a good way to keep yourself grounded and see who you really were and who you really are. A friend, McGee, mentioned that to me the other day, and she is right.
I want this flu to pass so I can continue finishing my script. It has been a long journey. And I hope all this hard work will pay off. Not just me, but for the people involved and who believe in me and tolerated me. I cannot let them nor myself down.
Currently listening to "Blower's Daughter" by Damien Rice. It's from the movie "Closer," directed by Mike Nichols, who also directed the Graduate which is one of my favorite films and soundtrack. But still also listening to the Garden State Soundtrack. It's great and soothing and helps me work on my script. So does the theme to the show Taxi.
A cool thing to check out is
I guess that sums it up for now.
Damien Rice is one of my favorite artists. If you like "Blower's Daughter," check out his full album. It's spectacular.
The Garden State Soundtrack is my favorite movie soundtrack ever. I'll never get over how well it fits with the film.
can't compliment Garden State soundtrack enough... one of the best soundtracks i ever listened to. if you're wondering where the remake of "such greater heights" is on the soundtrack, it's not. it's a remake from this band "postal service." i should make you a copy, it's a refreshing album that may help you with your script. - cyz
I'm glad you agree dude. I love that album. I've already been thinking and listed songs I may use in my screenplay. If you know of any you think are great, free fee to email me a list and I'll check them out.
BTW, I also agree that the Damien Rice album is pretty good too.
lol, i also think amanda swafford has one of the prettiest eyes...
Thank you!
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